Friday, June 29, 2007

Around Town

Vigi and I attended the retirement party yesterday for one of Hope's most respected citizens, Mrs. Helen Bearden. She and her husband, Joe, greeted close to two hundred well wishers to the reception. Helen started the Sheltered Workshop program from the ground up and it has evolved into one of the most respected facilities of its' kind throughout the state. Her vision and compassion has helped provide life changing opportunities to hundreds of special people. Our community is a much better place because of Helen Bearden. Congratulations Helen on a job and career so well done.

Governor Beebe has announced the reappointment of Dr. William (Bill) Coffee to the State Board of Optometry. Dr. Coffee's term will expire on April 26th, 2012. Dr. Coffee has been practicing in Hope for over 30 years and I appreciate his service to the state.

Even though you probably know it, just a reminder that the tax cuts enacted during the recent legislative session will go into effect on Sunday July, 1st. The most high profile of those being the sales tax on groceries. Other tax help will include off road diesel fuel and the sales tax relief to manufacturers on their energy bills.

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